Tuesday, January 12, 2010

FC Aria Svora Serrano Ex Libris FCh, LCX, LCM 2009 AKC LC #1 Borzoi

                                       FC Aria Svora Serrano Ex Libris FCh, LCX, LCM  
 is officially the 2009 #1 Borzoi in AKC Lure Coursing for the USA.
Serrano, lovingly known by his owners, Gretchen Thiele PHD and Charles Green, as the Little Red Menace (LRM), is from the Red Hot Chili Peppers litter bred by Shirley McFadden and Rita Rice. The Dam is MBIF Dual Champion Svora's Scandalous SC, FCH and the Sire, our own, Chabibi's Korona-Kazan SC, LCM, SGRC, ORC.
The final 2009 ASFA standing have not been published but as of 11/20/2009 Serrano was also the ASFA #3 borzoi. 
KC and I are so very proud, not only of Serrano's accomplishment but we are so appreciative of the commitment of Gretchen and Charles to allow Serrano the opportunities they have given him to shine.
Thanks Gretchen and Charles and CONGRATULATIONS to the LRM!!!!

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