Friday, December 25, 2009

"The Show MUST GO ON" vs Safety of humans and critters

Sometimes I think that I am from a different planet because of the way I look at things. When any coursing or racing event is approaching and the weather leading up to the event has made the grounds questionable, conditions for traveling to the grounds less than safe, or conditions forecast for day of trial unsafe for humans, when do you cross the line of running the trial vs cancelling the trial and how soon do you do this. This is an amazing balancing act to accomplish. Perhaps the thought is; the show must go on no matter what because of the parent club, besides this is (any location) and the conditions right here at the coursing site may be different than 10 miles away. If you show up the hounds will run, if you don't, well we were here because we are tough. I can see this way of thinking as a lot of planning and effort goes into putting on an event and we are (any named club). After all, is it not up to the individual, who needs to make the decision of playing or not.
The field has been frozen solid for 4 or more days, the temps are not going to get anywhere near or above freezing for another 4 days with nights going into single digits. The field is frozen solid with a light covering of snow and ice. OK fast, powerful dogs (sighthounds) are at higher risk for toe injuries and stretched/pulled/torn muscles because of these conditions(?). 
Because of temps not expected to get above 25 (F) and the winds forecast to be 15 mph or greater, the humans will be at risk of asthma attacks, frostbite and hypothermia, but they are all smart and will dress for the weather (?). 
The roads are clear but a snow/ice pack still covers most rural area roads, leaving the roads less than safe. Anyone traveling to the site knows how to drive in the winter (?). 
So you are the Field Chairman - what would you do?
This is not written as a criticism to anyone or to any club. I am trying to gather opinions and insight. Perhaps my understanding of the duties/responsibilities of a FC is different than other's or perhaps my definition of safety is misguided. I am interested in your input.


  1. I would say cancel. Yes, borzoi and supposed to be "tough", but ground that frozen would worry me. And who are these "small, slow dogs of whom you speak? Basenji?? Not Whippets as icy ground and Whippets is a recipe for disaster. Yes, perhaps the people should know how to dress warmly and how to drive in bad weather, but that does not mean common sense by the human will prevail. It would not be the first trial canceled, nor the last. I think the first 3 or 4 LGRA meets in IA were canceled last spring due to flooding of the field, and a couple of coursing meets were canceled in the early summer in the midwest due to high heat and humidity. Hopefully the FS has contact information for everyone and can give 48 hrs notice. Everyone should stay home and safe to run again another day.

  2. I take it you aren't running dogs this weekend . We were at 4 degrees this morning, but no wind. The bozo's here want a vote and it is LET US OUTSIDE AND LEAVE US THERE!! but only the puppies are actually granted their wish - AFTER it broke 15. if it were windy they would be in.

    Borzoi are a driven, determined lot... but those of us with opposable thumbs will call the shots. Better safe than sorry!
