Monday, May 11, 2009

If it can go wrong it will

Well, we got through the AKC LC Trial weekend. It can be a lot of fun planning, preparing, and executing a running event. It is especially nice when everything runs as planned. This weekend was not to be one of those. Being an organizer of sorts I had worked each day for a week leading up to the trial on the field making sure  the equipment was maintained and in good shape, new string, field safe, equipment placement for the best visibility of the field, parking planned, gas for tractor & gator, trash cans, porta potty placement, etc etc etc. Friday afternoon I started to set up Saturday's course. I took off the old string from the take up reel and broke out the brand new roll that I had purchased last year. I got the last pully in place and when I put tension on it, snap. I tried again, snap. The string must have been old. I jump in the car and go to Home Depot, then Lowes looking for rolls of string. The best they had were 1000 foot rolls so I got 3. Got it home and noticed that it was not as thick as what had been on it so I did not even try. I called the equipment person from CLCA and asked if they had a roll I could purchase. I'm in luck, they have a new roll just come on over and get it. I did just that and went home. Daylight is gone now so I decide that the field is laid out all I'll have to do is sting the line in the morning, add a couple of hold downs, and we'd be in business. Morning came and people started showing up and final details needed worked out. I gathered some help and out we went to finish the field. Two people were holding the new roll of string on a makeshift axle while I started transfering the string to the take up reel using the motor. Things were sailing along just beautifully....I thought. Just as the confidence built up that this was going to work the reel with the new string came apart (the ad says indestructable reel) and left us with a large tangle. After a few minutes it was clear the untangling process was not going to go well so I had the brillant idea, Cut out the tangle, find the end and be back in operation in minutes. I cut the tangle and what we found after was endless 3 foot lengths. The more that was undone the more that the remaining tangled. Panic was creeping in. I have no string nor the ability to get more string on such short notice. I ask for volunteers to continue to work on the tangled mess while I decide to use the lesser strength new string. After stringing the field and putting tension on the first thing that happend - snap. Oh no - what now. It turned out to have been an improperly tied knot. So we got tension and we were able to run it around with a bag. Now try 3 bags. Now the test dog - no breakage so finally we got the trial underway and the rest went well - until Sunday. A day of running was a bit much for that string because Sunday we were troubled with multiple breaks but all in all people kept a good humor and hung in there. A few restarts were required but all in all we faired better than expected based on the quality of the string used. Lots of lessons learned  and no damage done. 
I'm Tired!!!!


  1. as the saying goes, the best laid plans of mice and men ;-) good weekend, good trial, great weather, spectacular hounds. couldn't have been better.

  2. Good LORD I hope I don't have to deal with this with my first LGRA event weekend after next. . but I'ms ure we'll have jsut as many issues LOL Trying to get everything possible done before I leave for the Nat's LOL

    Cant' wait to see you next week!
