Monday, July 4, 2011

BIF BOE FC Zoiboyz Comet SC, FCh, GRC, ORC

3/15/2006 - 6/28/2011

We have been blessed over the years by having the privilege of owning some really fantastic and versatile borzois. Comet was among one of our best.
On January 11, 2011 Comet was diagnosed with an enlarged heart by the Southern Colorado Veterinary Specialty Center.
This was quite a shock to us because Comet has been a tremendous athlete thru out his life. If you browse his accomplishments, you will get a sense of how talented he was. Echocardiograms on Comet’s sire Kazan, and two of Comet’s full brothers revealed strong hearts and no associated pathologies. The cardiologist started Comet on a regimen of medications, designed to support his heart. The medications did their work, and he continued living as a happy, comfortable, much loved hound. He ate, slept, and played with kennelmates Kiev, Jazz, and Nitro with occasional walks in the pasture with KC or me.
Early on the morning of June 28, 2011, KC went downstairs to feed the ‘boyz and to give Comet his meds. When Comet did not rush in with the others at her arrival KC knew something was wrong. She went outside to find Comet, no longer breathing. It appeared as though he died while in full stride. Around dawn that day, we recall hearing the ‘boyz barking and running about the paddock, doing their best to threaten  a visiting jack or coyote crossing the pasture. We believe he died then. He was probably gone before he hit the ground.
Comet had a great character and loved people, especially the elderly. He was so gentle with Bopcha and other members of the family when he got to visit with them. He was very quiet. It was a rarity for him to bark or make a sound, except for the group howls that happen on occasion around here.
Comet will be missed terribly by us all at the Zoiboyz . We can only imagine that he is chasing bunnies with Grandpa Bonne Chance and kennelmates Ouragan and Aramis who died before him.
Goodbye our fiery red boy—we’ll see you on the other side.

I'll try to update the blog with some of the great updates we have had from around the world later this week.

1 comment:

  1. I love that picture from IN, he had such a great weekend, exceeding every expectation. Sleep softly Comet.
