We are proud to announce that Dillon, owned and loved by Dr. G. L. Thiele & Charles D. Greene, particapated in his first LGRA meet this past weekend. 3 GRC points and 1.5 NRC points for his first outting is pretty darn good. He was running with the highest scoring borzoi ever in this sport, Renee's Gossip.
On day one, as a FTE, Dillon was getting familuar with the box, etc and finished 7 of 11 hounds. On day two he finished in 2nd place behind Gossip. We are so very proud.
left to right Sergio, Trip, Dillon
I love the extension of those rear legs.
he is such a sweet big boy, so enjoyed getting to know him, and look forward to seeing him grow up :) Hopefull he'll be coming down here this weekend, Tipp will run too(she's been ins season)