Sunday, March 11, 2012

Some Photos from the March 10 ZASSC

ZASSC = Zoiboyz Annual Solo Speed Challenge
This is a timed solo sprint of 200 yards competition that KC and I have dreamed of starting for a couple of years now. We finally bought the equipment and it is working beautifully. The database that will develop over time can be a valuable tool for anyone wanting to know how fast their dog really is.
Here are a few photos from our last event.

 Randy releasing Nitro
Tom and Tory (Randy's wife) in the background

 Friend Russ walking Nitro
 Peggy (Elwood's Mom) taking on the duties as Timer recorder
 Enzo testing his speed
 Elwood getting his chance

Elwood coming in for a landing
 Carlo giving an excellent run
 Carlo making sure the lure does not get away.
Kathy, John, and new student Darby