Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving

To all who take the time to read my blog - 
From the ZoiBoyz Ranch to you and yours
"We wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving" 
Tom, KC & the ZoiBoyz

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

October 09 ZoiBoyz news from around the globe (2 new items added)

1.  Have just been advised by Gretchen & Charles, of Princeton, NJ,  that their FC Aria Svora Serrano Ex Libris FCh, MC, LCX, CGC (Kazan/Scandal) has added ASFA LCM to his titles.
2. BIF Ch. Aria Svora Cascabel-Belle, (Kazan/Scandal) lives with Paul and Jessica Nettles in Louisiana gave birth to 4 girls and 3 boys. Kazan's a Grandpa!!!!!
3.  Zoiboyz Dove Creek Drambuie (Kazan/Sara II), owned by Renata Roder, from Breckenridge, CO, won BOB both days in KS at ASFA trials.
4.  Zoiboyz Coffee Time v. Rosehill (Ambassador/Phoenix) owned by Petr Vodicka from Marianbad, CZ, got a perfect score at he Halloween coursing in Landstuhl, Germany, finishing in 1st place.
5.  Zoiboyz Chevelle (Kazan/Sara I) Owned by Christa Hassel from Tholey-Hasborn,  Germany, finished in 4th place at the Halloween Coursing in Landstuhl, Germany with a score of 97 
6.  Zoiboyz Perfect Storm (Ambassador/Phoenix) Owned by Herbert & Dagmar Kohl from Groß-Umstadt, Germany, finished in 5th place at the Halloween Coursing in Landstuhl Germany, with a score of 94 (some great coursing was had there)
(Photos of the Halloween Coursing taken my Marina Franz - Turgai Borzoi - can be seen at
7.  Zoiboyz Comet (Kazan/Sara I), living here at the Ranch, finished 4th in the LGRA OB NATS  and 3rd in the NOTRA OB Nats.
8.  Zoiboyz Challenger (Kazan/Sara I) also here at the Ranch, was undefeated Sunday at a LGRA meet hosted by CLCA and earned 2 points towards his GRC.
9.  Zoiboyz Durango and Zoiboyz Denver, (Kazan/Sara II) both here at the Ranch, earned their AKC JC titles at an AKC trial in NM. Denver went on to win a 3 point major by taking BoB later in the trial on Sunday.
10.  Zoiboyz Dillon, (Kazan/Sara II) also with Gretchen and Charles in Princeton, NJ, earned his AKC JC title at a trial in CT the same weekend as the OB Nats.
11.  Attaway Kinobi Summer Breeze (Breezy), (Nitro/Carmen) owned by Rebecca Peters Campbell & Melissa Pearce went WD Friday and Saturday in conformation shows in CT and on Sunday went to the AKC LC fields and took a 5 pt major over some very nice running hounds, including the current #1 AKC LC hound. 
12. Firebird's Tulane (Kazan/Laika) owned by Corrine Miller, Idaho, earned his JC & RN titles along with taking BOB at an ASFA trial.

Wow - it is tough keeping up with the Zoiboyz family but also fun to see so many in homes that allow them to be all they can be. It is really a blessing to have so many wonderful homes for these magnificent hounds. Thanks to all of you who have given so many of the Zoiboyz a good and loving home.