Friday, July 31, 2009

Ambassador Then and Now

The photo on the left is our wonderful Silkenswift Ambassador at 1 year old running in the open pasture near Neuhausen, Germany. The photo on the right is Ambassador at 12 years old, running in the open pasture at the ZoiBoyz Ranch, near Falcon, Colorado.
He still gives me goose bumps when I watch him run.

Monday, July 20, 2009

Fun Run Snaps

30 hounds were at the ZoBoyz Ranch for RMBC's Fun Run. Here are a couple of shots from KC.

Friday, July 17, 2009

At the ZoiBoyz Ranch this weekend

Saturday - Lure Coursing Fun Run (RMBC)- 9am until the Fun in Done

Sunday - NAWRA by RMSW - Whippet only race meet - 9am until completion

Last of the July Birthdays here at the Ranch

Zoiboyz Summer Jazz - sire MBIF FC Zoiboy Nitro v. Rosehill SC, FCh, GRC, JOR (Thompson/Golcher) dam DC Silkenswift Lady in Red SC, FCh (Rebecca Peters-Campbell & Melissa Pearce) turns 1 year old today. Jazz show a lot of potential both in the show and performance arenas. A very determined and clever boy he will be one to watch.
Happy Birthday to the Summer litter - Summer Jazz (Jazz), Indian Summer (Indy), and Summer Breeze (Breezy).

Sunday, July 12, 2009

To Show or Not to Show

If you take a sound hound to a coursing event or racing event you know that the performance of your hound will get a reasonable score, based on that hounds ability on that day. It may not be the top score but it will be a score befitting a sound run that day by that hound.
If you take a sound hound to a show, it's a crap shoot. One judge will place him 1st while the same hound would not even get a look from another judge even in the same day - same handler, same conditioning, etc. Something is wrong with that picture. A hound does well or not well in a show based on a person who may not know diddly about the breed. It has nothing to do about the hound. It has all to do about the person standing in the ring that day.
To show or not to show - that is the question?

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Birthdays at the ZoiBoyz Ranch July 11

FCI International Racing CH Silkenswift Ambassador JC, FCH

born July 11, 1997

Sire FC Silkenswift Blaze of Chaos Am AKC SC Am ASFA LCM 3 LGRA SGRC NOTRA SORC

Dam Ch Seabury Sabrina of Silkenswift SC ASFA FCh


FCI International Racing Champion (on German Pedigree)

2000 World Oval Racing Champion

2000 European Oval Racing Champion

2001 Baden Württemberg Oval Racing Champion

2002 International Oval Racing Derby (Hamburg)

2004 CLCA Grand National Best in Field (Best in Field run 1 mile long)

2004 AKC JC



7 oval racing speed records in Europe: (Some of these have since been bested - Mammondorf and Sachsenheim still stands!!!)

Sachsenheim, Germany (2 records) – 480 meters sand – 34.12 and 34.10 seconds

Mammendorf, Germany (2 records) – 480 meters grass – 33.16 and 33.13 seconds (track 80 years old)

Lelystad, Netherlands – 480 meters grass – 33.36

Darmstadt, Germany – 450 meters grass - 30.98

Hildesheim, Germany – 480 sand – 34.97

Only Borzoi in German history to be nominated to 5 consecutive FCI World Oval Championships and to place in the top 4 in the world every time:

1999 Lelystad, NL, placed 3rd

2000 Mont de Marson, F, placed 1st

2001 Hamburg, DE, placed 2nd

2002 Rotterdam, NL, placed 3rd

2003 Awans, B, placed 4th

Represented Germany in 3 FCI European Oval Championships:

2000 Beringen, B, placed 1st

2001 Lostallo, CH, placed 2nd

2002 Rapapatona, H, placed 2nd

Placed in the German Top List for oval racing borzoi 1999 thru 2003 as published in Unsere Windhunde (UW), the official publication of the German Sighthound Organization (DWZRV).

1999 #1

2000 #3

2001 #2

2002 #1

2003 #3

2004 NOTRA National - Boswell, OK, placed 3rd

2004 LGRA Nationals – Boswell, OK, placed 3rd

2005 NOTRA National – Vancouver, Canada, placed 3rd

2005 LGRA National – Vancouver, Canada, placed 3rd

In 2006 Ambassador was competing in the CLCA Grand National Course in the Veteran class. During his first run he broke his right rear leg. During the emergency medical treatment cancer was discovered below the break. This resulted in amputation and chemo. Ambassador still runs the pasture and plays with his children as if he were a 3 year old. He is fit, agile, and no signs of arthritis or a return of the dreaded C.

He is truly 1 in a million.

Chabibi’s Korona-Kazan SC, LCM, SGRC, JOR, ORC

born July 11, 2003

Sire German Coursing CH, DWZRV S&L CH Silkenswift Bonne Chance

Dam German Coursing CH, Int Coursing CH CH Shonheit & Leistung Nubia Hegerova


AKC; JC 2004, SC 2006

ASFA; FCH 2004, LCM 2006

LGRA; GRC 2005, SGRC 2006

Other Achievements

2004 ASFA FCH, earned in 4 trials - In first 9 ASFA trials Kazan has 8, 1st place finishes, 7 BOBs, and 1, 2nd

2004 OB LGRA Nationals, tied for 3rd

2004 OB NOTRA Nationals, 10th Kazan took a hard fall in the first prelim

2005 BCOA Nationals ASFA, 1st of 48 entered

2005 BCOA Nationals LGRA, 1st of 28 entered

2005 ASFA I.I., placed 2nd in first of 2 days

2005 ASFA I.I. tied for 3rd in the second day

2005 OB LGRA Nationals, 1st of 6

2005 OB NOTRA Nationals, 1st of 6

2005 OB LGRA #4 in Breed

2006 BCOA Nationals LGRA, 1st

2006 OB LGRA Nationals, 1st of 10

2006 OB NOTRA Nationals, 1st of 10

2006 OB LGRA #10 in Breed

2006 NOTRA #5 in Breed #19 all breed

2006 ASFA I.I. 2nd on day 1 and 1st on day 2

2007 ASFA I.I. BoB

2008 OB Nats LGRA placed 2nd

Chabibi's Kiev JC, FCh, GRC

born July 11, 2003

Sire German Coursing CH, DWZRV S&L CH Silkenswift Bonne Chance

Dam German Coursing CH, Int Coursing CH CH Shonheit & Leistung Nubia Hegerova


2004: ASFA FCH, earned in 5 trials

2005: AKC JC

2006: LGRA GRC

Other accomplishments

2004 NOTRA National; 6th of 12

2004 LGRA National; tied for 3rd of 20

2005 BCOA National Specialty; ASFA 3rd of 47

2005 BCOA National Specialty; LGRA 10th place of 25

2005 LGRA National; 2nd of 6

2005 NOTRA National; 2nd of 6

2005 ASFA II; Tied for 3rd place in second day

2006 BCOA National Specialty; LGRA 2nd Place of 30

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Birthdays at the ZoiBoyz Ranch July 8

BiF FC Zoiboyz Nitro v. Rosehill SC, FCh, GRC, JOR
4 years old today
Part of the Rodeo Legends litter co-bred with Sherita Tabner
Phoenix & Ambassador
2006 Grand National BOB
2006 OB Nats LGRA 3rd place
2007 AKC Lure Coursing Championship BOB
2008 Grand National BOB
2008 ASFA Region 3 Invitational Borzoi BOB & BIF
Two time winner CLCA Top Borzoi Award
2009 4th place - Am Bred BCOA National
OFC pointed

MBiF FC Zoiboyz Tornado v. Rosehill SC, FCh, GRC, JOR
4 years old today
Part of the Rodeo Legends litter co-bred with Sherita Tabner
Phoenix & Ambassador
2006 Grand National BOB
2006 OB Nats LGRA & OTRA 3rd place
2006 ASFA Region 3 Invitional Borzoi BOB & BIF
2007 Earned German Racing & Coursing License (3 events in Europe 1st in all 3)
2007 AKC Lure Coursing Championship Best Borzoi in Event
2007 CLCA Top Borzoi
2008 BCOA LGRA 2nd place - BOS
2008 BCOA National 1st Place Am Bred
OFC Pointed

ZoiBoyz Monte Carlo
1 year old today
From the European Cities Litter
Kazan & Laika
My career is just beginning
Watch for me in the fields and rings beginning this year.

Monday, July 6, 2009

From the American Thinker

If you're a conservative read on - if not - perhaps you'll want to skip this as you won't get it.
perhaps the best "Reasons" piece I've read on Palin.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

July at the ZoiBoyz Ranch

It is hard to believe that July has arrived already. We've had so much rain over the last 2 months that the pastures are green and the grass/weeds are really growing. Things sort of quiet down around here in July but we still have some things on the books. On the 9th,Hemo Solutions from The Specialty Center on Nevada will come to the ranch to enroll most of our hounds and Melissa's in the blood donor program. They'll draw blood for testing and typing and then collect from each of the hounds at least 6 times over the next year. KC will be taking Nitro and Jazz to the Omaha shows on the 11th and 12th. On the 18th we are hosting RMBC's Fun Run (coursing format) and on the 19th we are hosting a combined NAWRA and ISWS Race Meet. That will pretty much finish off the excitement around here for July. We may have overnight visitors sometime this month while they travel on their move from California to South Carolina. We are still waiting to hear more on that possibility.
There are some significant birthday celebrations that will take place in July here. I'll write about each in their time. in a nutshell; Ambassador will become 12, the "K" litter will turn 6, the Rodeo Legends will turn 4, and the European Cities and Summer litter will be 1. Least not we forget our niece Jessica (Seattle) who turned 25 today. Happy Birthday Jessica

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Independence Day

In 1776, American colonists continued to grow less tolerant of imposed taxes and the oppressive rule of King George III of England. The Second Continental Congress formed a committee, led by Thomas Jefferson, that was given the task of drafting a document to officially break ties with the British government.

Jefferson's committee finalized its work and after a few days of debate and some revisions, the Declaration of Independence was officially adopted on July 4, 1776 (although the signing of the Declaration of Independence wasn't completed until later that year).

In the Declaration of Independence, our founders wrote one of the most treasured phrases in American history--"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."*

The Revolutionary War officially ended on September 3, 1783 with the signing of the Treaty of Paris, but Americans have used July 4th each year to celebrate our freedom and independence from British rule. In the summer of 1941, just months before the attack on Pearl Harbor, Independence Day officially became a federal holiday.

Although many people tend to refer to this holiday as the 4th of July, I think it is important to remember to call this holiday what it really is--Independence Day.

Remember all that gave so that we can be free.

From our family to yours, Happy Independence Day!

Tom & KC

*Note: To read a full transcript of the Declaration of Independence, visit the National Archives' website at: