Saturday, June 27, 2009

Combined LGRA, NAWRA, ISWS at ZoiBoyz Ranch

On June 21 & June 22 the ZoiBoyz Ranch hosted a combined LGRA, NAWRA, and ISWS race meet. The weather was a bit misty on Saturday but if you had a windbreaker it was perfect for the hounds. Sunday got warm but not hot. The spring rains had the track in perfect condition. Last year I was watering the grounds twice a day to keep the track in decent shape. This year Mother Nature has been providing all the water necessary.
On both days the NAWRA meet, hosted by RMSW, met the requirements to have championship points awarded; 15 on Saturday and 17 on Sunday. The Silkens, hosted by ISWS, only had 3 on Saturday and zero on Sunday, but are hoping to draw in some from out of state at future events. The LGRA, hosted by CLCA, had 18 hounds on Saturday and 12 on Sunday. We were competing with one of Colorado Springs premier events of the year so I expect that some of the attendance loss was due to that.
No event is without some controversy. We had our's and it was voiced and revoiced on the list. There is no need to rehash any of it here.
All in all it was a good event.
Thank all who attended and worked so hard to make it a good meet.
I'll post all of the results on the ZoiBoyz Yahoo Group.
KC will have some photos to post.

Our scheduled events for July are:
18 July - Fun Run in coursing format
19 July - NAWRA and ISWS Race meet

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fun Run News

A very nice Fun Run (Straight Racing practice) on Sunday June 14.
We had everything from a 13 week old puppy, to a near full start box (5) of experienced racing whippets. There was a golden who almost brought the lure all the way back to the start box. I almost hired him for the job. His owner will work on that retrieve a little more. We had a Boston terrier, Border collie, several hot rod Greys,Whippets, Ridgebacks, Silkens, and Borzois. We had several new faces, and many returning friends. Kim Plache' brought some antelope stir fry and Melissa Pearce brought a good potato salad for us all to enjoy. People from as far away as Toronto,Canada and Taos, New Mexico were there along with folks from as close as my neighbors. We finished cleanup less than an hour before the afternoon storms. A good day I hope for all. We had at one point over 20 cars and 40 plus dogs.We look forward to seeing you all again. Keep a watch on the calendar on our yahoo group, for up-coming events.
Our next event here at the ZoiBoyz Ranch will be a sanctioned racing weekend, June 20 & 21; LGRA (Large Gazehound Racing Association), hosted by CLCA combined with NAWRA (Whippet racing) and ISWS (Silkens). Our next Fun Run (coursing practice) will be Saturday, July 18 and hope to have ASFA certification runs for folks wanting to have an opportunity to run at CLCA's annual Grand National September 11, 12, & 13. The 11th is also the ASFA Region 3 Invitational.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Interesting Alpha Dog research

2 June 2009

Using 'dominance' to explain dog behavior is old hat

A new study shows how the behaviour of dogs has been misunderstood for generations: in fact using misplaced ideas about dog behaviour and training is likely to cause rather than cure unwanted behaviour. The findings challenge many of the dominance related interpretations of behaviour and training techniques suggested by current TV dog trainers. Contrary to popular belief, aggressive dogs are NOT trying to assert their dominance over their canine or human “pack”, according to research published by academics at the University of Bristol’s Department of Clinical Veterinary Sciences in the Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research. The researchers spent six months studying dogs freely interacting at a Dogs Trust rehoming centre, and reanalysing data from studies of feral dogs, before concluding that individual relationships between dogs are learnt through experience rather than motivated by a desire to assert “dominance”.

The study shows that dogs are not motivated by maintaining their place in the pecking order of their pack, as many well-known dog trainers preach. Far from being helpful, the academics say, training approaches aimed at “dominance reduction” vary from being worthless in treatment to being actually dangerous and likely to make behaviours worse. Instructing owners to eat before their dog or go through doors first will not influence the dog’s overall perception of the relationship – merely teach them what to expect in these specific situations. Much worse, techniques such as pinning the dog to the floor, grabbing jowls, or blasting hooters at dogs will make dogs anxious, often about their owner, and potentially lead to an escalation of aggression. Dr Rachel Casey, Senior Lecturer in Companion Animal Behaviour and Welfare at Bristol University, said: “The blanket assumption that every dog is motivated by some innate desire to control people and other dogs is frankly ridiculous. It hugely underestimates the complex communicative and learning abilities of dogs. It also leads to the use of coercive training techniques, which compromise welfare, and actually cause problem behaviours.

“In our referral clinic we very often see dogs which have learnt to show aggression to avoid anticipated punishment. Owners are often horrified when we explain that their dog is terrified of them, and is showing aggression because of the techniques they have used – but its not their fault when they have been advised to do so, or watched unqualified ‘behaviourists’ recommending such techniques on TV.” At Dogs Trust, the UK’s largest dog welfare charity, rehoming centre staff see the results of misguided dog training all the time. Veterinary Director Chris Laurence MBE, added: “We can tell when a dog comes in to us which has been subjected to the ‘dominance reduction technique’ so beloved of TV dog trainers. They can be very fearful, which can lead to aggression towards people. “Sadly, many techniques used to teach a dog that his owner is leader of the pack is counter-productive; you won’t get a better behaved dog, but you will either end up with a dog so fearful it has suppressed all its natural behaviours and will just do nothing, or one so aggressive it’s dangerous to be around.”

Science Daily

June 2, 2009

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Colorado Springs Shows

Comet and Jazz were suppose to show. Comet in Bred By Dogs and Jazz in 9-12 month puppy dog. When KC brought Jazz out of the kennel for bathing he was lame in the right rear leg. Nothing serious but enough to limit activities for a few days and definetly too lame to show. Comet placed 2nd in a class of 2. I was not there so cannot make comment.
Comet entered in Bred By Dogs and Durango in 6-9 puppy dog. These shows were both  Comet's Durango's first exposureto the show ring. In the puppy class there were 3 entered. Durango placed 2nd and looked very good for his first appearance. A nice up and back, a solid stack and very confident. Afterwards KC asked the judge what he thought of him and he stated that all three in the ring were top notch puppies. Comet again took 2nd in a 2 dog class.
The handling classes KC has been taking are paying off because I thought she did a beautiful job of handling Comet. We had help by Judy Pasbrig in handling Durango.
The outcomes were predicted and not a surprise. I am still very proud of my hounds, how they look and how they function. KC looked great in the ring and we look forward to challenging the odds in future shows.

Monday, June 1, 2009

June at the Ranch

It is hard to believe that this is June 1 already. We knew May would be an aggressive month and it flew by like a low level flight of the Thunderbirds.
May began with the ASFA mudding spectacular in Boswell, OK at that wonderful piece of earth called Windyglen.
The following weekend we put on RMBC's annual Mother's Day AKC trials here at the ranch.
Before the next weekend I was off to the Borzoi Nationals in Frankenmuth, MI with Nitro and son, Summer Jazz. While I was there we had great friends from Germany (Alex & Silke) arrive at the ranch for a prenuptial vacation.
We finished off the month with a Fun Run, on May 30, that was highlighted with very nice runs from some first time greys and whippets.
Now all of a sudden it is June.
In June we have scheduled:
June 6 & 7 - Colorado Springs kennel Club Shows (Comet, Jazz, Durango)
June 5 - 8 - KC's mother and sister (Dee) visiting.
June 12 - 15 - KC in Seattle (Graduation Ceremonies)
June 14 - Fun Run at the Ranch (straight racing practice)
June 20 & 21 - CLCA LGRA, NAWRA, ISWS meet at the ranch
June 24 - Nikole's Birthday
June 26 - Sandra's Birthday
June 27 & 28 - Buckhorn shows (Comet, Jazz, Durango)