I've taken the leap and joined the information age. First it was email, then a web page, and a short time ago Facebook. I was shocked but pleasantly surprised at Facebook. At first it was, ummm annoying, but I have reconnected with some great people that have played significant roles in my life. Then I started to tweet....on Twitter. I am still not certain the significance that forum might play. Now a Blog. I have been following a few blogs of family, friends, and acquaintances over the last year or so and I must say that I visit them almost daily to keep up on their inputs. It's almost addicting.
The part that makes me worry is that how much information do you allow or disclose. With all the hi-tech thugs out there, they must love all the free information from all these social networks. It seems to me easy pickins for the data thief.
I do not know how often I'll input here but I thought I'd sign up and give it a tryout.